NFFS Partners With Analytics Corporation for Discounted Analytical Services


As of May 2022, NFFS has begun a partnership with Analytics Corporation to provide discounted analytical services and air sampling media to NFFS members under the recently announced NFFS Air Sampling Equipment Program.

The agreement provides NFFS members with a 15% discount on laboratory analytical services conducted by Analytics Corp. (excluding any analysis that might require a third party). The agreement also provides access to Parallel Particulate Impactor (PPI) samplers at cost (presently $32/each, used for silica and total respirable dust sampling) as well as free sampling cassettes with Mixed Cellulose Ester filers membranes (required for metals sampling such as for lead exposure).

As a reminder, NFFS members are eligible for FREE air sampling equipment rentals from the Society. NFFS provides its members with access to fully calibrated air sampling pumps and sampling media, allowing them to conduct their own OSHA required air sampling.

For additional information, or to participate in the NFFS Air Sampling Equipment Program, visit