NFFS Membership

Join now by selecting the appropriate category below!

handshake between man in suit and man in worker jumpsuitBecause NFFS is a trade association, our memberships are for companies rather than individuals. When your company joins, all of your employees are entitled to membership benefits. NFFS membership is an effective way to help your foundry simplify its regulatory compliance activities, keep abreast of new technology and government regulations, reduce day-to-day operating expenses, improve plant profitability levels, and much more.

Any company that becomes a NFFS member must agree to the NFFS Member Code of Conduct.

Membership Types

Foundry Membership

NFFS foundry membership is open to any firm involved in the manufacture of ferrous or non-ferrous metal castings or ingot, or otherwise melts and casts ferrous or non-ferrous materials as part of their regular operations.

View NFFS membership benefits for foundries  

Membership dues for foundry members are based on employee count measured in FTEs across all company locations. Membership dues are calculated as follows:

Employees (FTEs) Annual Dues Quarterly Dues
1-10 employees (FTEs) $1,200 per year $325 per quarter
11-50 employees (FTEs) $2,400 per year $625 per quarter
51+ employees (FTEs) $3,600 per year $925 per quarter

Does your company have multiple foundries? NFFS offers secondary membership to foundries that are owned by an existing NFFS member foundry. Secondary membership provide full access to all NFFS resources and services. Please note that a foundry cannot become a secondary member unless it is affiliated with a primary NFFS member foundry. For the purpose of determining dues, the employee count of all secondary facilities will be combined with the employee count of the primary NFFS member, following the standard dues schedule. Please contact a NFFS staff member at (847) 299-0950 or to inquire about membership for a secondary facility. 

Special Offer for 1st-Time Foundry Members
If your foundry is joining NFFS for the first time, take advantage of a special introductory offer—$1,000 OFF your first full registration to the NFFS Industry Executive Conference!
(Discount code will be sent to new members when registration opens.)
Associate Membership

Supplier (Associate) membership is designed for foundry suppliers and service providers, and is also open to casting buyers, brokers, or other organizations who are not eligible for regular foundry membership but who wish to become a part of the Society. NOTE: Associate members are not eligible to vote or for service on the board of directors.

Membership Benefits for Industry Suppliers

Membership dues for annual Associate members are $1,800 per year or $525 per quarter.

Become a Member

Select the appropriate member type and payment terms below to join now.

Foundry Member (Annual)

Click the button below if your foundry would like to pay dues on an annual basis.

Join as Foundry Member (Annual)

Foundry Member (Quarterly)

Click the button below if your foundry would like to pay dues on a quarterly basis.

Join as Foundry Member (Quarterly)

Associate Member (Quarterly)

Click the button below if your company would like to pay dues on a quarterly basis. 

Join as Associate Member (Quarterly)

Associate Member (Annual)

Click the button below if your company would like to pay dues on an annual basis.

Join as Associate Member (Annual)