6Z MACT Rule Resources

On June 15, 2009, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized air toxics standards for aluminum foundries, copper foundries, and other nonferrous foundries. The final rule regulates emissions of a number of toxic air pollutants, such as beryllium, cadmium, chromium, lead, manganese, and nickel, which are known or suspected to cause cancer, other serious health problems and environmental damage.

The EPA Area Source Rule for Aluminum, Copper and Other Nonferrous Foundries (subpart ZZZZZZ) took effect in June of 2011. The base year used to determine where a foundry falls under the rule was 2010. To help member foundries be certain that they are correctly filing their initial compliance notification, the Non-Ferrous Founders’ Society has prepared a template letter that its member foundries can complete and print on their company letterhead. In addition, NFFS has prepared a MACT Compliance Summary that details the various requirements that apply to all aluminum and copper-alloy foundries. Reference the initial notification requirements as published in the Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 121 / Thursday, June 15, 2009 / Page 30396, Section 63.11553(a) for further information, or contact the NFFS offices.


Final Area Source Rule 6-15-09 - .pdf document

Non-Ferrous Area MACT Summary 10-09 - .pdf document

Final Area Source Rule Fact Sheet 06-15-09 - .pdf document

EPA Regions and Contact Info - .pdf document

EPA Method 22 - Visual Determination of Fugitive Emissions - .pdf document

Document Templates:

Draft Initial Notification 10-09 - .doc document

Initial notification for website - .doc document

Draft aluminum notice of compliance status - .doc document

Draft large copper notice of compliance status - .doc document

Draft small copper notice of compliance status - .doc document

Standards and management practices template - .doc document